Most people overlook this critical point about web hosting. Hosting your website on a reliable server is half the battle. Most importantly right after having a good hosting plan; is the company you get your hosting from. Cheaper is not always better.
When it comes to web hosting; it is one of those things wehere you do not want to be looking for deals or discounts. You want to look at the quality of the web host provider.
1. Disk Space
Disk space or storage is one of the two essential services web hosts offer.
At its base, a website consists of many files — files that make up its visuals and files that decide what happens when you click a button.
To run a website, you need those files on web servers backed by physical data centers. The files consume disk space; so you need a hosting plan that provides the required disk space.
Besides the files required for the website’s operation, you also need space for user-submitted content. For example, if you ask users to submit images or videos, you need extra disk space to support that.
2. Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the other essential service that hosting solutions provide. It measures a server’s capacity for data transfer within a specific time frame.
Bandwidth is a critical web hosting feature if you want your website to load faster — as loading time is the time it takes to transfer website files.
If you want high bandwidths, you need to get your web server or look for one that shares its resources with a few other websites.
For example, dedicated hosting — while expensive — is a web hosting plan in which your website has its server, giving you more control and server resources to work with.
Other plans such as virtual private server (VPS) and shared hosting limit the bandwidth available but tend to be cheaper.
You will see advertisements for unlimited bandwidth, but the truth is: It’s impossible to have completely unlimited bandwidth. There is always a maximum speed limit because of physical limitations.
Bluehost offers plans with “unmetered bandwidth”, which means that you receive a set amount of bandwidth but will be able to transfer as much data as you want with that transfer speed.
3. Security
According to Fundera, 43% of small businesses are victims of cyberattacks.
Your web host is an extra line of defense against cyberattacks. With the right web host, you can protect your website from cyberattacks.
If your website collects personal or financial data, sign up for a web hosting plan that offers:
SSL certificates —SSL certificates encrypt data sent via your website, so only the recipient gets to use the data. Some web hosting plans offer free SSL certificates.
Automated malware scans —Web hosting providers can help you remove malware and identify threats. Some also offer website scans to enhance security and warn website owners of suspicious files.
Firewall management —A web application firewall (WAF) creates a set of rules designed to protect your website from the most common attacks.
Be sure to check the hosting plan’s default security features; many plans offer advanced security features as an add-on.
If you are working with sensitive data, sign up for Bluehost’s Managed WordPress hosting plan that gives you additional security features:
4. Uptime
One of the top web hosting features that small businesses and new website owners fail to consider is uptime.
Uptime measures the percentage of time your website is up and available to visitors — the closer to 100% uptime, the better.
The best web hosting solutions provide high uptimes by offering:
Some web hosting companies also have a money-back guarantee for uptime. If they fail to fulfill their promise, they pay you. Bluehost has a guaranteed 99.9% uptime.
5. Website Speed
Today’s internet users expect websites to load in five seconds or less.
Besides affecting user experience, website speed also affects search engine optimization (SEO).
Good web hosting companies help their users deliver quick page speeds by:
6. Pre-Installed Apps
Web hosts offer several web hosting features in the form of apps.
Common apps include:
The control panel (cPanel) is an app that lets you control server processes. While every hosting account includes a cPanel, the interface depends on the hosting provider — it can be difficult or easy to use.
Bluehost comes with a beautifully designed control panel that offers easy access to all the apps you need.
One-Click Installer
A one-click installer is a great tool that helps you install content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. It simplifies your work and saves you time and money.
File Transfer Protocol
A file transfer protocol (FTP) lets you manage files on a server securely.
E-Commerce Features
While there are dedicated e-commerce hosting plans, flexible web hosting services enable you to create a blog with e-commerce functionality such as shopping carts and payment gateways.
7. Domain Names
Your domain name is the digital address of your digital space on the Internet. It was developed to find and identify internet entities without using IP addresses.
A hosting plan often includes free domain name registration.
Some website owners purchase a domain beforehand (for business emails) and then go with a different web host. So the domain owner must have the option to transfer the domain to another registrar.
8. Website Builder
Building a website is not difficult anymore. A lot of web hosting providers include site builders as a built-in web hosting feature.
For example, Bluehost’s Website Builder is a drag-and-drop website creation tool offering 300+ pre-made templates to make website building easy. Its built-in Smart AI guides users to create responsive designs that fit every screen.
The other features of the website builder include:
9. Support
While developing and managing your website, you may face issues you cannot solve. In those cases, an excellent technical support team is essential.
The best web hosting providers provide 24/7 customer support through multiple channels, such as:
10. Backups
Website backups are essential.
Despite having the best website security, your website might get hit by a vulnerability that takes it down. This means a good backup policy is critical. A good hosting provider should restore your website with minimal downtime and make frequent automatic backups of your website to prevent data loss.
Choosing the right web hosting plan can make or break your website’s success.
Before signing up for one, take time to determine the web hosting features you need so it will be easier to find a provider that offers it all, saving you a lot of time and trouble.
If you are looking for a reliable hosting partner that cares about you and your business, sign up for a Bluehost plan today.
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